We Help Coaching, Service & Consulting Companies Acquire 500 New Paying Customers

Customers On Command

Trusted by world-class companies like

Our portfolio

Clients Who Have Worked With Customers On Command

Customers On Command Client

Jordan Welch

Customers On Command Certified
Customers On Command Client

William Rivera

Customers On Command Certified
Customers On Command Client

Brook Hiddink

Customers On Command Certified
Customers On Command Client


Customers On Command Certified
Customers On Command Client

Ecom Websites

Customers On Command Certified

Do Any Of These Describe Your Business?

You're Not Able To Attract Your Dream Customers
The leads you attract never amount to qualified leads. So you end up wasting time on sales calls with tyre kickers. There's no system in place to bring in your ideal customers on command and ready to buy.

You're Stuck Feeling Like A Content Creator Or Influencer
Post 5x a day on Instagram, then Linkedin and wait... don't forgot YouTube too. Ughhh, does this feel like a business that serves you? You probably didn't start your company to be sat in front of a camera all day.

You Have An Inconsistent Client Acquisition System
You might get a referral here, a customers from your DMs there. But none of it is consistent! You wake up wondering when and where your next customers will come from.

You Want To Scale Without Selling Your Time
You will never be able to effectively scale your business trading your time for money. You need a productized system to sell your customers without adding extra workload to your day.

You've Tried Paid Acquisition But It Isn't Working As Well As You Hoped
Maybe you turned off ads early because it was burning through your cold hard cash. What started out as "testing the waters" with has now caused you to feel stuck trying to make your offer tick on paid advertising.

You've Worked With Marketing Agencies In The Past But They Wasted Your Time And Money
The classic scenario. You hire an agency in hope they fix the problems in your business. But all that happens is they delay projects, respond slow while wasting your time and money. We get it, we've been burnt by them too.

Our signature system

How We Help You

After generating over $60,000,000 for our clients we have perfected a system that can repeatably generate 500 new paying clients for any coaching, service, or consulting business in 90 days or less.

Pillar 1

Paid Acquisition

We launch, optimize, and scale your paid advertising for you.

Pillar 2

Sales System

We install our proven sales system into your business.

Pillar 3

Installing The A.I. Qualified Appointment Generator

We install our A.I. into your advertising to ensure you have bulletproof targeting attracting qualified prospects on sales calls.

Ready For 500 New Customers?

Apply to work with us
Why we're the best option

What are your other options?

Customers On Command
Full Time Hire
Marketing Agency
Coaching Program
Average time to launch
10 Days
6-12 weeks
4-6 weeks
4-6 weeks
Hybrid Service
1:1 support
On Command Consulting
failure rate
Very low
very high
Holistic Business Guidance

Real Client Results

"This team is what got me from $100k a month to over $1,000,000 a month".


Founder, Ecom Degree University

“I don’t care who you are, this team is going to out-convert you – their marketing knowledge is insane.”


Founder, Ecom Websites

“This team is one of the best I've worked with. They go above and beyond".


Founder, Build A Brand

"They've helped bring so much revenue to my business it's crazy, big shoutout to them"


Founder, AMZ Accelerator

Jordan Welch
“Hitting our record month for May, over $200k in revenue".


Founder, Viral Vault

read this

A Message from our founder

Customers On Command

Written By Ciaran, Founder Of Customers On Command
Marbella, Spain
May 15th 2024

“How Can I Trust You?”

My guess if you’re reading this right now is that you've been burnt by a marketing agency or two who overpromise and under-deliver you results …

And I know exactly how you feel.

It’s actually the exact reason we started Customers On Command.

The online space is full of gimmicks and fakes who just want to sell you for a quick buck. Our clients have felt it, we’ve felt it and so have you most likely.

Well that changes now.

With every client we’ve served, our goal is always to be the last online service they need to scale and achieve their immediate goals with their business.

And after working with dozens of businesses across a variety of industries like:

Business opportunities

Real estate

Relationship coaching

Soccer training

AI automation

Fitness coaching

Marketing agencies

We’ve used the same process to scale them to their first 6, 7 and even 8 figures.

Putting them in control of how many leads they turn into paying customers.

I can say this with confidence because we practice what we preach:

Customers On CommandCustomers On Command

We’ve generated over $1 million with our own company online…Which doesn’t account for the clients we’ve helped generate over $60,000,000 in sales.

If you still feel unsure, just watch one or two of the client interviews above and see for yourself.

We hope we can work with you to scale your company past the goals you’ve set forward to achieve.

To your success,
Ciaran (founder of Customers On Command)


Still Got Questions? Here Are Answers

How Are You Guys Different To Another Coaching Program

We're different because we follow a hybrid model where we not only consult you on scaling the crucial parts of your business, but we handle your entire client acquisition for you. That way you can focus on fulfilling for your customers.

How Much Do I Need For Ads?

First we'll look at your revenue goals you want to achieve in the next 90 days. Once we know that, we reverse engineer how much ad spend will make it easy for you to achieve that number while maintaining profitable. For context, most our clients start out spending between $300-$500 a day on their advertising.

Can't I Hire Someone In House For This?

Yes you definitely can. The question isn't "can't I" it's "should I" however. Someone in house will likely have a lot less experience at specifically building a client acquisition system to scale. On the other side, we've done this for dozens of businesses so we've tried and tested what works today.

What If I Don't Hit The Paying Customers You Guarantee?

If you don't hit the guarantee we make to you, we refund you in full & send $1,000 on top for wasting your time.

How Much Work Will I Need To Do?

On the marketing side, none at all! That's exactly what we're here to implement for you. However we will need you to continue doing what you do best, which's fulfilling for your customers and getting them results.

Ready To Get Scaling?

Apply to work with us